FIDE Council meeting July 21 and 29, 2024: List of decisions

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CM2-2024/01 To note President’s report.

CM2-2024/02 To approve Treasurer’s report.

CM2-2024/03 To approve Recommendation of Verification Commission on suspension of member federations in arrears, Burkina Faso and Rwanda.

CM2-2024/04 To appoint Mr. Nigel Short as a reverse delegate for the Burkina Faso Chess Federation effective from July 29, 2024 with the period of his mandate till September 30, 2024.

To authorize the reverse delegate within his mandate:

– to evaluate and send FIDE requests about FIDE titles, ratings, events;

– to select and register the team for the FIDE Chess Olympiad 2024, as well as to liaise all related matters;

– to liaise with national authorities, facilitating the solution of internal matters

CM2-2024/05 To note the report of Mr. V. Bologan in respect of the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina Chess Union.

CM2-2024/06 To note the report of Mrs. D. Reizniece-Ozola in respect of the preparations for the Chess Olympiad 2024 and FIDE Congress 2024 in Budapest, Hungary.

CM2-2024/07 To approve the updated Regulations for the Women’s Grand Prix 2024.

CM2-2024/08 To note the Global Strategy Commission’s report.

CM2-2024/09 To approve the Global Strategy Commission’s proposal in respect of Appeals Committee Procedural Rules. Table of Changes

CM2-2024/10 To note the Arbiters’ Commission’s report.

CM2-2024/11 To approve the recommendations of the Arbiters’ Commission on Seminars, Classification upgrades, Amendments to the lecturer list, FA norms and titles.

CM2-2024/12 To approve the Arbiters’ Commission’s proposal in respect of the changes in the ARB report forms. Table of Changes

CM2-2024/13 To approve the recommendations of the Qualification Commission on titles.

CM2-2024/14 To note the Chess in Education Commission’s report.

CM2-2024/15 To approve the recommendations of the Chess in Education Commission on titles.

CM2-2024/16 To approve the Chess in Education Commission’s proposal in respect of the award of the Senior SLI titles on an expertise basis. Table of Changes

CM2-2024/17 To approve the Technical Commission’s proposal in respect of the endorsement of Leap Clock model KK 9909 for official use.

CM2-2024/18 To approve the Technical Commission’s proposal in respect of Play-off and tiebreak regulations. Table of changes

CM2-2024/19 To approve the Technical Commission’s proposal in respect of Swiss Pairing System Rules.

CM2-2024/20 To approve the recommendations of the Trainers’ Commission on titles and Academies.

CM2-2024/21 To approve the recommendations of the Events Commission on titles.

CM2-2024/22 To approve the Events Commission’s proposal to replace FIDE World School Individual Championship with FIDE World Championships under 7-17 and rename FIDE World Championship under 8-12 in principle, starting from 2026, and to request the Commission to finalize the respective Regulations.

CM2-2024/23 To note the Fair Play Commission’s report.

CM2-2024/24 To approve the Fair Play Commission’s proposal in respect of FIDE Fair Play Definitions.

CM2-2024/25 To approve the Fair Play Commission’s proposal in respect of FIDE Fair Play title regulations. Table of Changes

CM2-2024/26 To refer the proposals of the Fair Play Commission related to: FPL Appointment Regulations, FPL Financial Regulations and Fair Play Regulations, back to the Commission to be updated based on the feedback received from the FIDE Council. To request the Commission to submit the updated documents to the Management Board and the FIDE Council.

CM2-2024/27 To note the Commission’s for Women’s Chess report.

CM2-2024/28 To note the Rules Commission’s report.

CM2-2024/29 To approve the Rules Commission’s proposal in respect of video assistance system for tournaments.

CM2-2024/30 To note the Chess in Multi Sports Games Committee’s report.

CM2-2024/31 To note Continental Presidents’ reports.

CM2-2024/32 To recommend to the General Assembly to ratify the Greenlandic Chess Federation application as a FIDE Affiliated Member.

CM2-2024/33 To note the position of the Chess Federation of Canada with respect to the proposed affiliation of the Quebec Chess Federation with FIDE.

CM2-2024/34 To continue the discussion regarding the proposal of the delegate of the Irish Chess Union Mr. O’Connor in respect of the best score prizes for the Olympiad.

CM2-2024/35 To take note of the proposal of the FIDE Historical Committee in respect of the FIDE Awards. FIDE Council members to provide their opinions to reach the FIDE Office by August 12, 2024.

CM2-2024/36 To note the update regarding FIDE 100 Years Anniversary.

CM2-2024/37 To request the advisory opinion of the Constitutional Commission regarding a number of proposals to the General Assembly Agenda.

CM2-2024/38 To approve the Resolution regarding proposals on amendments to the Charter.

CM2-2024/39 To hold the 2024 3rd FIDE Council meeting in Budapest, Hungary, during the FIDE Congress 2024.